Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

Real Estate Social Media Lesson One: Courtesy @Homes Boston

Don't you love it when your points are illustrated by others? So much is professed where the value of online discussion is concerned, online marketing, social media ROI, and just where the real estate pro fits into the equation. The 'end all' proof of digital marketing channels for your Realty endeavors though, is actually resident in but one facet of communicative value ' reciprocity. A nice group on Twitter, Homes Boston on Twitter, just helped me prove so. Bear with me, I'll explain.

Briggs Johnson- Boston Real Estate.

Concord Square listing via Briggs Johnson- Boston Real Estate

For many of you reading this, weighing the relative ROI of online engagements and campaigns will be all there is to using these valuable channels. And this is not a wrong approach to deciphering your company's business doing business online. However, not many of your are taking the time to factor in all the variables, to see what the mid and long term value is in social media. Without going into a digital marketing seminar here, suffice it to say 'branding' is more crucial than short terms ROI metrics. Or, at least the long term value of this 'reciprocal' facet needs to be studied. But not really, take my word. (The image above has no ROI attached to it on this end folks)

Wise Up ' Why Lists Are Wonderful

A little social media link bait/notable mention article we ran yesterday received the response we intended. Yes, we are all about transparency here, you too can rule the Internet, just watch. Knowing the old newspaper dogma that says 'All anyone really wants to see is their name in the newspaper', being nice and recognizing people is simply good manners, good for business, and the right things to do if you own any media. That said, along with the customary 'you forgot me' honorable mentions lists bring, there is always a really excellent somebody who did not make your list. And here's where our little story gets good.

Briggs Johnson RealtorIf you are the right sort of business entity, just doing the right sorts of things, sooner or later any number of opportunities will present themselves in this digital space. How do I know? Believe me, our team has had its share. Here's the proof though. A good comment, saying howdy even when you don't have to, and in a professional manner, people take notice when they can. A 'Tweet' ' 'we hope to make your list' or 'hey, you forgot us', these sorts of kind things bear fruit. Rather than a rant about how some author or expert intentionally excluded your godlike profile or leviathan of digital business, how about a simple 'hello' from the wings?

BuyRentSellBoston is a pretty new website. And if not for the great communicative efforts by the owners via SM, I would probably slice and dice the effort online as another mediocre attempt at online business. But I said it is new, as is the Twitter engagement of Briggs Johnson (at left), the Coldwell Banker agent who runs the show there. Here's the thing, Johnson's attitude, the text on his website (no matter how Web 1.0 it is), his connect points, a lot about this agent just says 'honest' ' that is if you care to study a bit.

Why is this important? I know you are thinking this. Acknowledging one another, that is why, it's actually vital.

Let me just say it's important because in a while, and with some more resources (maybe just time) this agent will outdo a great many of his competitors. Look at the images on this section of his site. And the recently rented flat (image below), more text and images ' great content and intent.

Content from Boston website

All the elements of great online content are present.

Reciprocity, Friends, Fans, and Customers

Vacation rentals to a short bio and over to his SM accounts the resounding message I get from this Boston professional is 'making the effort in a big way' ' there's a lot to be said for really trying. Not that I am some psychologist or profiler of web business acuity ' but this man comes across as someone very busy who has not had so much time to get his digital game in full swing ' yet. The whole point I am making here is (my proof) I'll bet you he soon will have his game on. Being darn well willing and a really nice fellow (or gal) goes a long way on the Internet.

And, the final bit of proof positive for you hard headed Internet brokers out there ' we noticed @Homes_Boston - BuyRentSellBoston is in the news, where's the rest of Boston?

There, with a big thanks to Briggs Johnson and the other 100 real estate peeps on Twitter we made note of the last two days, it just pays to be nice when you communicate. There's your PR lesson, you can hire us via our corporate site. (shameless promotion allowed, if friendly)

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