Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2012

Digg Launches New & Improved Social Bookmarking Site

In case you haven't noticed, Digg, the popular social bookmarking site, has just launched a totally re-vamped site and its first impressions are quite remarkable.

The New Digg in all its glory

Just over six weeks ago, Digg was purchased by Betaworks and immediately formulated a plan to improve and re-launch the site for better usability. It would appear that their six week goal was actually accomplished one day early as the site officially went live this past Tuesday. In addition to the new version, Digg has also launched a brand new iPhone App that easily allows users to check out the most interesting and most viewed stories circulating around the internet.

The concept of the new Digg is the same, which allows users to post links to all their favorite news stories and blogs to the site. In return, the link can gain view-ability on the site as users 'digg' it and its DiggScore further increases. In other words, Digg wants to compile everything that's currently trending on the internet all in one place and it's the internet users themselves who determine what stories are being seen.

The one major change you'll see to the new Digg involves the site's aesthetic appearance. If you remember, the old Digg didn't feature images associated with your links, but rather just the link and article title. As you can see now, the new version is very image friendly and much more appealing to viewers just scanning through each story that's being displayed.

The current version of Digg is labeled V1, so you can be sure more updates and improvements will follow. One such update that's already in the works is allowing users to comment on each story, which still has yet to be implemented. Stay tuned for more and visit to submit all your favorite blog posts and news stories.

Joe Heath is a graduate of Indiana University and also holds a Graduate Certificate in Real Estate Development from Drexel University. After working in the market research sector and authoring published Market Snapshots for Hanley Wood Market Intelligence, Joe now works as a Web Marketing Specialist and is a managing partner at  Real Estate Web Creation, LLC.

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