Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

HomeFinder.com Agent Makeover Sweepstakes


Need something to jump-start your real estate business? Managing a busy scheduling, marketing yourself as an agent, and keeping up with everything else involved with the relentless real estate industry can certainly be a daunting task, and it isn't uncommon for Realtors brush some of these minor, yet crucial, details to the side in hopes of someday catching up.

If this sounds familiar or you're desperately in need of a something that will help get you moving in the right direction, you may be interested in the HomeFinder.com Agent Makeover Sweepstakes  that is going on right now!

The first-ever Agent Makeover Sweepstakes will select five real estate agents at random to win an all-expenses paid trip to Chicago for a 2-day real estate business make-over. Prizes will include a flight to Chicago on September 12-14th, a two-night stay in a fabulous downtown Chicago hotel with spa treatment included, a stylish new outfit, a professional photo-shoot, coaching from Chicago real estate experts, and extensive training on real estate specific social media, SEO for your websites, and various other aspects of online marketing.

According to HomeFinder.com, the contest was created as a way to show support for real estate agents across the country. As many in the real estate industry know, everyone from home owners, home sellers, and the professionals working in real estate have felt the effects of the recession and the housing crash, so re-energizing the winning agents and helping jump-start their business in this new era of real estate is the ultimate goal of the sweepstakes.

Get the ultimate makeover for your real estate business!

No purchase is necessary and any licensed real estate agent qualifies for entry. To enter the Agent Makeover Sweepstakes, go to HomeFinder website, or visit the official contest Facebook page. One entry per link is accepted for a total of two possible entries and the random drawing will be held on or around 8/13/2012.

Joe Heath is a graduate of Indiana University and also holds a Graduate Certificate in Real Estate Development from Drexel University. After working in the market research sector and authoring published Market Snapshots for Hanley Wood Market Intelligence, Joe now works as a Web Marketing Specialist and co-owns Real Estate Web Creation with his partner, Ted Guarnero, a 25+ year real estate veteran.


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