Jumat, 27 Juli 2012

Harness The Power of The Visual ' Using Your iPad To Showcase Your Business

Now available ' yet another cool app for realtors ' if they use an iPad. The Portfolio App, created by KnowledgeView, offers real estate brokers an opportunity to harness the power that visuals give to their business.

Designed with architects, interior designers and other visually driven professionals in mind, the Portfolio App allows a user to publish their entire portfolio, including photos and videos, assign geo-information and related 'web-mobile views.'

The developer will customize the app for your business as well as host it. Included with the app is a 'EasyPublish' tool which lets users communicate directly with their target audience though one-click publishing on the iPad, Twitter and Facebook.

It's possible to browse projects offline, and the geo-information linked with Google map provides all of the information your clients are searching for ' boosting your company's image and garnering trust from your customers.

Mohamemd Al Assam, Chairman and Managing Director, Dewan Architects and Engineers, noted:

'The 'Dewan Architects and Engineers' iPad App is the newest platform launched by Dewan to help us communicate with our clients and partners globally by using the latest platforms linked to social media. The App is intuitive, aesthetically attractive and allows our visitors to store information about our projects onto their devices, locate our projects on Google map, and learn more about our corporate news as they occur. The great work done by the KnowledgeView team who developed the app has made the presentation of our architectural work appealing and helps us to further broaden our market reach'.

What better way to showcase your homes ' both those you've sold (together with testimonials from happy home-owners) and those you are currently listing. If you're among the millions of iPad users, this new app is something you don't want to miss. Prefer to use an iPhone? No worries, this app has been designed for mobile portability as well.


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