Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

Using Digg' to Drive Web Site Traffic

Mostly everyone is familiar with the two most recognizable social media websites, Facebook and Twitter. But as you also probably know, dozens of other social media sites are out there for users to post pictures, share news stories, and connect with fellow web browsers just like yourself. So just how many of you actually use some of these lesser known social sites?

Image by by biggraham via

Being a successful real estate agent means making yourself known and as highly visible as possible. And perhaps the best way to accomplish that is to generate as much web traffic to your website or real estate blog. And what's the best way to do that? By social sharing, of course! So if you blog on a regular basis and share your blogs through social media, you're on the right track. But along with sharing all of your web marketing articles on Facebook and Twitter, you should also try using the social news site Digg.

As mentioned, Digg is a user-driven social news web site that allows its users to submit articles and blog posts, while also having the ability to review other featured articles submitted by other Digg users. The unique aspect about Digg, which was originally founded in 2004 by Kevin Rose, is that everything on the site is driven by its users.

Each article that is posted on the site has a 'digg it' button to the left of each link. If users liked the article or thought it was worth sharing, they can click the button to let the site know it was a good article or blog post. Once the article gets enough Diggs and satisfies a few other internal requirements, it's then promoted to be featured on Digg's homepage.

Once your article has been Dugg by Digg subscribers, there's no doubt you'll see a significant increase in web traffic. However, the challenge is writing a good enough blog that will get recognized by lots of readers. Of course any old blog post won't get you on the Digg homepage. Your article needs to be informative, creative, interesting, original, and sometimes even funny for people to want to share and Digg your post.

So as a challenge to you, spend some serious time writing a really great blog post about something real estate related in your market. Then, start a Digg account and post it to the site. See how long it takes before others start to Digg your post. You never know when your article might be featured on the homepage, and if/when it does, you'll be well on your way to driving much more traffic to your web site.

Joe Heath is a graduate of Indiana University and also holds a Graduate Certificate in Real Estate Development from Drexel University. After working in the market research sector and authoring published Market Snapshots for Hanley Wood Market Intelligence, Joe now works as a Web Marketing Specialist and co-owns Real Estate Web Creation with his partner, Ted Guarnero, a 25+ year real estate veteran.

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