Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

Attractive Property Markets for Chinese Investors

The Chinese investment marketplace is growing by leaps and bounds. But what about investing for Chinese players abroad? As more and more Chinese citizens become affluent, so their need to find ways to invest grows too. There has already been a large property bubble growing within China, (and there's some evidence this bubble may burst too), so the practice of investing in 'brick and mortar' commodities is well established, and in many cases ingrained into potential investors. All this said, investing outside of China has never been more in demand for those with resources in the country.

Chinese investor

Even given the positives of investment potential for the Chinese, there are certain hurdles that any investor moving money out of China to overcome. Those hurdled, China or any investing interest might needs to look at property markets in places like Cyprus, and London, both offering stable deals, but Cyprus in particular  offering the added bonus of EU citizenship once you property ownership exceeds 300,000 Euros.

How to Break Into This Market

There are a number of different aspects that must be taken into consideration when trading anything into China. Here are a few things that must be strongly considered, and acted on:

One ' Partnering up with established brokers and investors to get them to promote your properties. They will already have a database of potential investors, and a marketing plan in place. As long as you have something good to offer, they are likely to be interested in helping you get it in front of the right people. You can get acquainted with potential partners and brokers through agencies that help to introduce outside businesses into the Chinese market place.

Two ' SEO and Internet Marketing is so very important to help build your company brand up to make sure that established brokers want to do business with you. It will also enable investors to have heard of you, and maybe even come to you directly, increasing your profit margin by avoiding a third party commission. Baidu is the main search engine for China, and there are various social media platforms to take advantage of, Sina Weibo being the largest. You must make sure that you employ a professional who understands the Chinese internet marketing world to make sure that you are advertising in the right places and maximising your online exposure. This is a huge part of making a positive impact in the Chinese market place, as just like in many other countries the internet plays a huge part in the consumers shopping, and information retrieving habits. Good Search Engine optimisation is as important here as in any other country. Any website will need to be built with the Chinese investor in mind, as well as in Mandarin. A specific site will have to be designed and created for the Chinese consumer. Your marketing agency should be able to take care of this for you.

Three - Make sure that your investment opportunities clearly depict what is expected and offered. Chinese consumers like to know what they are buying, or in this case investing in, in detail. They are analytical customers and clients, in general of course, and want to make sure that they have all the information available before making a decision. It is also a good idea to add plenty of added incentives, as I mentioned EU citizenship for a 300,000 Euro or above property in Cyprus, to make the investor feel they are getting more for their money. Chinese investors like to think they are getting the best product, service and value for their money. You do not have to offer citizenship to a country of course, but look at what the value of the investment is to your company, and make sure that an 'extra' of value can be added to the deal in conjunction with that investment value. A free pen for $500,000 worth of business is not generous enough, and is likely to be seen as insulting.

Four - Make sure that there is support to handle queries and reservations within your organisation. They can be based at your company residence, or in a China office. They will need to be a Chinese speaking member of staff, working to Chinese times. Good customer care is incredibly important to Chinese investors, as it is to Chinese consumers of any product.

Getting  Involved

The potential for property investors within China is huge, and that market is only going to get bigger as more of the population find themselves with money that they want to invest. Saving and prudence are very common traits within Chinese culture, so secure property investment deals that offer a solid return are going to always be a big attraction. It is worth establishing your property business in China now, even if that is just through a well marketed, Chinese optimised website, testing the water, before your competition gets the chance to strike first. Be the first into new emerging markets.

Image credit: Discerning investor ' courtesy © Elwynn &  Fotolia.

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